basic yoga

The health benefits of black tea

In this article we will be looking at the properties and health benefits of black tea. When it comes to nutrition, we tend to follow trends, however it's much better to follow scientific criteria and investigation... This is what happens with black tea; it may not currently be the most popular, but drinking it has a series of benefits that you should know about in order to take much better care of your body. Let’s take a look at them:

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Beneficios del té negro para tu salud

En este articulo queremos hablaros del té negro. En esto de la nutrición, aunque no debiera ser así, tendemos a movernos por modas. Es mucho mejor hacerlo a partir de criterios de ciencia, de investigación... Esto sucede con el té negro, que igual no es el de tendencia actualmente, no es el que está más de moda, pero tomarlo lleva una serie de beneficios aparejados que deberías conocer para cuidar mucho mejor de tu cuerpo. Vamos a verlos juntos:

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10 benefits of a daily yoga practice

Just 15 minutes of Yoga a day can change the chemistry of your brain and improve your mood. This alone is enough to motivate us to include a daily Yoga practice into our lives. However, as we tend to want the best available information, we are going to mention some of the particular health benefits that Yoga can offer us. This is a fascinating topic and we invite you to join us in learning more about it. Whenever you are feeling a bit down, the immediate temptation is to eat some chocolate, have a glass of wine or buy a new pair of shoes....  

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10 beneficios que la práctica diaria del Yoga da a tu salud

Solo 15 minutos de yoga al día pueden cambiar la química de tu cerebro y mejorar tu estado de ánimo. Con esto ya tenemos motivo suficiente para convertirnos en adeptos al Yoga de forma diaria. Pero en nuestro afán por procurar la mejor información, asequible a todos, vamos a anotar en concreto algunos de los beneficios que el Yoga puede reportar a tu salud. Es realmente interesante conocerlo a fondo y te invitamos a descubrirlos a través de este artículo.

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This photo has been chosen by Swami Purohit for sun meditation.

Please print this sun photo and place the print on the wall at eye level (when sitting). Sit comfortably in a chair 1 metre away from the photo. Look at the photo for 5 minutes without staring or forcing your vision in any way. Then close your eyes for 2 minutes.
Practice this every day in order to increase will power and mental clarity.

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